Grocery Shopping is Different in Belize. How to Source Food.
While many people are used to going to a large grocery store or big box store to purchase their groceries for the week in other places of the world, that is not typical of Belize grocery shopping. Most of our food is delivered to us, with advance ordering. For those of us living here, we source our food from many different places. For a tourist, this can be a confusing and frustrating system as it takes some time learning the system. And it changes frequently. One cannot just go to the grocery store and get everything they want. Many times, eating out at a local restaurant is cheaper than trying to get all the ingredients at the grocery, produce stands, and spending long hours in the kitchen. Stew chicken, rice and beans sells for $4US/$9BZ and there are no dishes to wash!
So how does one source food?
Most of the grocery stores in Belize are Chinese (Taiwanese) owned. Belize is one of the few countries in the world that recognize Taiwan (and so Taiwan gives a great deal of foreign aid to Belize.) Taiwan gets special provisions for importing goods. There are many Chinese grocery stores throughout the country. For example, in Hopkins, where there are tourists and a population of about 3,000 there are half a dozen Chinese grocery stores, although most shop at the “big three” --Happy, Dong Lee, and Fi Wi Mart. In Maya Village, a few miles away, there is one Belizean owned store and one Chinese store.
For the most part, we purchase only our paper products at the Chinese store. The Chinese stores have a limited supply of produce. They also have a freezer area with meats and dairy. However, depending on the store, some may turn off the freezers at night to save money. As a result, many people only purchase their dairy items directly from the trucks or only purchase shelf stable milk, such as LaLa. This is changing and more stores are keeping their freezers and fridges “plugged in.”
Brodie’s, a Belizean owned grocery store, is located in Belmopan and Belize City. The one in Belize City would remind most of a “North American style grocery store.” There are still some Belizean owned smaller stores that carry rice and beans and a few other staples.
Where We Source Our Food:
While this is Hopkins specific, many villages and towns will also have locals that make bread, sell tortillas, and have produce stands. Also, many of the places listed below also deliver throughout the country.
Bread & Sweet Rolls:
Local women bake daily and sell local breads. Hot bread typically is ready around 3pm. Creole bread, bun, powder buns, johnny cakes, banana, cassava, cinnamon rolls, and more sell for .50/$1BZ to $1US/$2BZ a loaf. We used to have two tortilla “factories” in Hopkins where we purchase corn tortillas for $1US/$2BZ a pound. (This closed during the pandemic.) At the vegetable stand, by the basketball courts, they carry corn torillas.)
Chicken, Eggs, & Turkey:
Caribbean or FB @CaribbeanChicken
Quality Poultry or @QualityPoultryProducts
For convenience and food safety, many people purchase directly from the trucks. (You do not have to be a business to purchase directly for the trucks of places like Caribbean Chicken, Quality Poultry Chicken, or Western Dairies.) If you coordinate on the correct days, there is typically no delivery fees in Belize. In addition, there are many local producers that come weekly to sell their products. We purchase our chicken and turkey from Quality Poultry Products in Dangriga as it is Mennonite owned store. They have a limited amount of paper products and can goods. They also have an online order form for larger orders.
Hopkins is a fishing village, so here, we eat a lot of fish. When we see the frigate birds circling, we know the fisherman have landed with their catches. We go over to the fisherman’s shack and purchase a fish of our choice for $2.50US/$5BZ a pound or $5US/$10BZ for fillet.
For 2022 fish has increased in price. Currently, it’s selling for $10BZ and $15BZ fillet.
We have two physical fruit and vegetable stands in Hopkins. Tuesdays and Fridays are when they bring fresh produce in, coming from the Cayo region. It is common for both stands to sell out of items, so it is best to go in the morning on delivery days. They also carry locally made coconut oil, honey, plantain and cassava chips. (Doritos, Cheetos, and potato chips are all imported from the U.S. and are expensive, but plantain and cassava chips are locally made and sell for $1BZ/.50US.)
Most days there is a “pop up” fruit and vegetable stand on the church grounds, by the road.
Sometimes other produce vendors drive through the village selling produce. They honk their horn, which is code in Belize for letting you know they have something to sell. Twenty minutes away from Hopkins is Dangriga (a business-center town) with several produce stands and a market.
Despite where you are in Belize, there are little stands selling fruits and vegetables. In the bigger towns, there is a market place, where there are several vendors selling produce as well as food stands and other locally made products.
Beef, Pork, & Lamb:
BeefMasters (located in Stann Creek):
Located just outside of Hopkins and Sittee River Villages, where you can purchase onsite or have home delivery. On FB @BeefMastersBelize or 501-663-1184 for home delivery.
Deep South Farms: Located in Stann Creek and delivers and has a variety of products from meats (beef, pork, chicken), frozen mangos, casava, and more. They prefer orders to be texted to Chris: 626-2900 They do not publish a price list because prices fluctuate, but they will provide if one inquires.
Maya for “Let’s Meet Up” is located in San Ignacio, where they also have a restaurant. They deliver to Hopkins (free) on Thursday’s and orders must be in by Wednesday. On FB @Kooxhannah or email for the latest price list. In addition to beef, pork, and lamb, they have eggs, cheese, and yogurt.
Water, Soft drinks, Beer:
Bowen & Bowen: In some villages, you can drink the water, but not in Hopkins. Bowen & Bowen are the distributors for Chrystal Water, Belikin, Coco-Cola, and other beverage products. While you can go to the grocery stores to redeem, it is more economical to go directly to Bowen & Bowen and purchase by the crate, case, or 5-gallon bottle. Tourists should also go to the grocery store and purchase a 5-gallon water bottle as it will reduce the plastic use. www.Bowen.Bz
Sweet Waata: (Delivers) Bottled Water Delivery out of Dangriga to the Stann Creek area.
Hopkins Finest Water: (Delivers in Hopkins) 653-4340
Alvarez Products of Belize: Evan: Sells granola, preserves, and locally made fruit juices (Delivers)
Dis N Dat Natural Snacks: Nanette or James: Sells granola, naturally made peanut butter, hazelnut butter, and spiced peanuts
Indian Food:
Hurry Curry-In Silk Grass. Contact directly for latest menu and delivery days. @hurrycurrybelize
or 632-3321
Grocery Store Delivery:
Mobile Market carries a variety of prepared food, produce, and locally made products.
www. MobileMarket.BZ or 614-6114
Cheese and Chucuturie, and such:
White Rock Farms-located outside of Belmopan but delivers throughout the country. 501 675-3165